East African Greens made their Strategic Plan in Kampala, Uganda | African Green Federation
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East African Greens made their Strategic Plan in Kampala, Uganda

East African Greens Strategic Planning Workshop
East African Greens Strategic Planning Workshop

Members of the East African Greens Federation from the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, Ecological Party of Uganda, Mazingira Greens Party of Kenya and Burundi Green Movement, met in Kampala, Uganda, from 12th-13th February 2015 and made a strategic plan for the next five years.

The strategic plan will help member parties in implementing the Green Ideology within the Eastern Africa Region.

This strategic planning workshop and the process were supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the Green Party of England and Wales.

The African Greens Federation, wishes to extend its gratitude to the representatives of the West Minister Foundation and the Green Party of England and Wales, who shared their experiences and expertise to the East African Greens. We are looking forward to a continued good collaboration.


Done at Kigali, 23rd February 2015.


President, African Greens Federation


East African Greens Strategic Planning Workshop