African Greens stand with Swedish Greens in national elections | African Green Federation
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African Greens stand with Swedish Greens in national elections

As decided upon during our last congress in Madagascar, AGF sent delegates to support the Swedish Green Party in the September 14th general elections. Other delegates came from Eastern Europe and South America.
All delegates arrived on Monday 8th September and recieved a welcoming dinner, the same night at one of the buildings of the Swedish Parlianment.  Green Forum's Chairman, Lars Olof Karlson, Secretary General Chris Ormalm, several board members and EU Member of Parlianment-Bodil Ceballos as well as the Party's International Secretary, Anna Karin Anderson were all present.
The next day, September 9th, several party officials including the Party Secretary General, and a representative from the Swedish Government (Sida) addresed the delegates on several issues including the dynamics of the elections.
On Wednesday the 10th, delegates were briefed by Green Forum Chairman and Secretary General on the future program and later in the evening all delegates were dispatched to different Kommunes ( districts). We reconvined on monday September 15th and all depated by 17th September.
The elections on September 14th went well, the Swedish Green Party managed to get 25 seats in Parlianment as was the case in 2010, however, the racist party-the Sweden Democrats (SD), more than doubled its votes and will have 48 MPs. 
This is indeed a big challenge for Sweden, because this new party hates all imigrants and wants them all out of Sweden. It has the same ideology of the French Front Nationale of Marie Le Pen or Jean Marie Le Pen.
The good news is that the Swedish Green Party will be a member of the new Government with their partner the Social Democrats. They may form a broad based government, which would bring in some parties from the center-right to block the extreme right-racists (SD).
The African delegates were:
- Nissao Napo ( Western Africa)
- Charles Maringo ( Eastern Affrica)
- Fatima Alaoui ( Northern Africa)
- Kelvin Kaunda ( Southern Affrica)
- Badono Daigou ( Central Africa)
- Robinah K Nanyunja ( AGF Treasurer)
- Frank Habineza ( AGF President)
N.B: Ms.Saraha Georgette,from the Indian Ocean region, was not able to participate due to unavolidale circumstances.  
This election brings out new opportunities and new challenges, but we shall continue to watch the developments.
Please find attached some few photos
Warm greetings
 Founding President, Democratic Green Party of Rwanda
 President, African Greens Federation
Executive Committee Member, Global Greens Coordination