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General News

From Hopenhagen to Nopenhagen

In Copenhagen the over-riding impression was chaos! People queuing for hours outside in the freezing cold, and deadlocked talks inside.


Official Announcement: Global Greens Congress 2012

On behalf of the African Greens Federation and on behalf of the Rwandan Green Democrats,

We are pleased to officially announce the third Global Greens Congress , which will be held for the first time in Africa in March 2012, Dakar, Senegal,

The African Greens Federation proudly invites Greens from all different parts of the world to this third Global Greens Congress,

We will be honored to warmly welcome you to Dakar, Senegal where you can be assured of our utmost hospitality.

Please find more details on :


Global Greens call for honest, scientifically sound climate agreement

As the Copenhagen COP enters its second week, the Global Greens today called for an honest climate agreement, based on science not tricky accounting.

The Global Greens are concerned that rich nations are building loopholes into the agreement to give the appearance of strong targets without the reality.

Land-use and forestry in particular are being used as let-out clauses to avoid actual emission reductions, according to the Global Greens Coordination, which includes representatives from Asia Pacific, African, American and European Green parties.


Les Verts Mondiaux appellent a un accord sur le climat honnete et scientifiquement sain

Pendant que le COP de Copenhague entre dans sa deuxieme semaine, les Verts Mondiaux ont aujourd'hui appele a un accord sur le climat qui sera honnete et fonde sur la science et non pas sur une comptabilite habile. Les Verts Mondiaux sont inquiets que les nations riches sont en train de mettre des echappatoires dans l'accord pour donner l'apparence qu'on se fixe des cibles efficaces sans qu'il y ait aucune realite.


Final Report on the Mission to Central Africa

The reports covering Cameroun, Tchad, Republique Centrafricaine, Congo Brazzaville, Republique Democratique du Congo are attached below in French and English.

